Our Problem Solver

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.   Proverbs 3:5-6

8.9.18 Our Problem Solver Pixabay

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com.

As I drove Zack to Youth Group a few weeks ago, he and I hit a snag while planning his upcoming birthday celebration. Now that he’s entering high school, his and his brother Mason’s relationship has shifted. Where they were once joined at the hip, shared all the same interests, and finished each other’s sentences, they’re paths are now diverging. The love and bond are deep and everlasting, but things on the surface have changed.

The issue was: Zack wanted just his same-aged-friends to go to the local amusement park for his birthday. Yet, he was deeply distraught about excluding his brother. The seven-minute-drive to the Parish Center was not long enough to solve the problem. I dropped him off saying we’d talk more about it when he got home.

Two hours later, when my husband brought him home, Zack came bounding up the basement steps. He flopped onto the couch where I was sitting by myself in the family room, and declared, “I figured it out! At Youth Group, they took us to Adoration. So I prayed to God about the thing with Mason, and God told me what to do!”

As he spelled out the solution, I was so overwhelmed with emotion I was only able to half-listen. First, my heart grew heavy realizing just how burdened he’d been about this issue. Then it swelled with pride that his burden stemmed from his sincere concern for his brother’s feelings. Doesn’t every mother want her kids to care that much about each other? But all that was surpassed by enormous relief that the years of role modeling finally payed off.

I routinely show my kids just how limited I am as a mother, and as a person. I tell them when I’m clueless, and I let it rip when I’m frustrated and angry. All that is always followed by me retreating and going to God with it all. Whether I lock myself in my room, or flee to the back deck, I get the quiet I need to share it all with God. That’s when I hear Him whisper how to fix things.

When I return to my kids a new and refreshed mom, I make sure they know my Source. Although they say kids are intuitive, and they are, they’re also very self-absorbed. It’s so important to me that my kids realize God is my Rock, my Go-To, my Problem Solver and my Redeemer.

Whether they want to hear it or not, I walk them through the process of how God transforms me. Like the miracle of turning water into wine, He takes all my deficiencies, blesses my begging heart, and equips me with the answers, energy, and hope I need to come back to them a better mom.

Each and every time I journey through that process I’m humbled and awed by the experience. But nothing, nothing ever prepared me for how it feels to witness my son go through it too. That is a blessing no words can describe.

Questions for Reflection:

     * Do I turn to God with my deficiencies?

     * Do I allow Him to transform them into enough?

     * Have I allowed my kids to witness this process?

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10 thoughts on “Our Problem Solver

  1. I really needed to read this one today. With all our transitions, this one being extremely unsettling, I needed the reminder to show my boys my resources for dealing with all the change and uncertainty. Your words are always creating new perspectives for me and I truly appreciate that you continue to share your experiences! I think of you often!!


    • SO great to hear from you, Naomi! Where in the US are you now? Please give those sweet boys a hug for me. I’m sure they will adjust beautifully under your grace filled care. 🙂


  2. You are an amazing role model for your kids, Claire! And of course, Zack would follow your
    lead. I definitely need to be reminded often that God will lead us to solutions if we only ask.
    And I would love to hear how God led Zack to his solution!! xo


    • Thanks, Mom! I need to forward this post on to the team that runs Youth Group. I may have role modeled the process for Zack, but they definitely assisted by bringing him to Adoration. 🙂


  3. Always love to read how you pass on the need for God in good and trying times to your kids. Need that reminder because I usually go there but sometimes get caught up in wanting to fix their issues myself. God first always there!


    • Oh Liz, I am most definitely guilty of trying to fix my kids’ problems! In this case, we just ran out of time on the car ride. That was just another gift from God to keep me from butting in where He wanted to be. 🙂


  4. Claire, I love to hear stories like this because it reminds me of God’s unending goodness. I sometimes get so overwhelmed by God’s hand and the many blessings in my life when looking backwards. I need to be better at being patient in the moment. Thank you for always giving me food for my thoughts and my soul! ❤️


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