Christ’s Constant Gaze

The Lord will… watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7-8

I’ve had this beautiful sketch of Jesus by Frances Hook on my wall for years. I see it as I sit on the floor to pray. It watches over me as I stand at my computer and work. In it, Jesus is always gazing at me with incredible warmth and love in His eyes.

You could argue that the sketch is one dimensional, just charcoal on paper, just one face or aspect of Who Christ is. I would agree and disagree at the same time.

Yes, it is just one face of Christ. But I firmly believe that no matter what I’m doing, good or bad, and no matter what lesson He’s urging me to learn, that gaze of love and warmth is always there – whether I succeed or fail.

Even when He needs to turn up the heat to inspire me to the next level, underneath the expression He wears for that, there is still warmth and love.

Imagine having that – maintaining that, no matter what? Imagine extending warmth and love to our neighbors, despite our hurt when they wrong us? Imagine being tender and encouraging with our kids even when they break our rules to such a degree that our blood boils?

That’s what that sketch on my wall is calling me to – and what Jesus’ acceptance of His road to Calvary is for all of us. He shows us by His own example what it looks like to extend warmth and love to all, in all circumstances, no matter how undeserving we are.

Questions for Reflection:
*Do I recognize that when I make mistakes, Jesus still looks at me with a warm and loving gaze?
*Can I use His example to respond likewise when someone wrongs me or my kids break my rules?

*This post contains an Amazon affiliate link.

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