Pushing Us Into New Places

Published on CatholicMom.com

Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that arose because of Stephen went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch… Acts 11:19

IMG_1978 (2)In July of 2018, on the day I was to begin writing my first-ever book proposal, our AC died on the first floor. With all the upstairs bedrooms occupied, the only room left to be in to escape the heat was the master bathroom. I covered the jacuzzi tub with plywood and built a stand-up work station on top. Lo and behold, I ended up being more focused and productive, tucked away upstairs, than I ever would have been in my first floor, open-spaced office where my kids interrupt me every ten minutes.

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2 thoughts on “Pushing Us Into New Places

  1. God certainly has a sense of humor, and your ingenuity in accepting the “push”
    into the most unexpected of places, your master bathroom, and turning it into a delightful workspace to write your book paid off brilliantly by I’m sure, a smiling God!! What’s even more delightful is that a Jacuzzi holds swirling water, a precious element Jesus so loved and offered it to each of us as a Baptism into our new life, and as a fountain, which if we accept, springs up within us to everlasting Life! Couldn’t think of a better spiritual base for the words you write than that Jacuzzi, and its symbol as a holder of regenerating water!


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