What Do We Take for the Crossing?

If it had not been the LORD who was on our side… then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; then over us would have gone the raging waters. Psalm 124: 2-5

I watched a TV series recently about a woman who is the sole survivor of an airplane crash in the middle-of-nowhere Alaska. In the midst of her journey back to civilization, there are several times when she has to cross lakes or raging rivers. There are no other options.

Each time, she’s smart enough to not go it alone. She strategically takes a log with her to stabilize herself as she swims. And when it all gets to be too much, that log becomes a place where she can drape herself and rest.

In the midst of our own journeys, there are always times of stress and chaos. But like those lakes and rivers that that woman had to cross, we can’t avoid them. We just have to move through them.

But are we smart enough to NOT go it alone? If so, what do we take with us to clutch onto?

If we take a woe-is-me attitude with us, we end up weighing ourselves down. Inevitably, the tide of chaos sweeps us away, pulling us under, leaving us gasping for air.

If we take resistance or fear with us, the waves seem to intensify. As they crash into us, they spin us in all directions, leaving us floundering and turned around.

If we take God with us, He buoys us up with hope, stabilizing us with His love. He becomes our source of rest and rejuvenation when we lean into Him. No matter the expanse of the hardship we have to cross, choosing Him gets us through and to the other side where solid ground and peace await.

Questions for Reflection:

*Is there some hardship in my life I have to cross?
*What or Who will I choose to take with me?


2 thoughts on “What Do We Take for the Crossing?

  1. Good morning. Personally, I’m not facing a hardship, but I am walking with one of my sisters through a difficult time-she isn’t clear in her thinking at all. She is frightened and feeling set upon by life. It is so very sad to see her this way. I’ve gently tried to help her “shift her perspective”, but it isn’t happening that I can see. I won’t stop trying and your words offer encouragement. Thank you so much for your blog, and I thank God for leading me to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am sorry to hear your sister is facing a difficult time, Celeste. I often think it’s more difficult to watch someone else struggle than it is to struggle ourselves. She is VERY fortunate to have you. Never underestimate how important your support is. Perhaps you are the thing she is bringing with her for the crossing of her hardship? I will keep both of you in my prayers. Thank you so much for commenting!


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